September 10

Travel Day to the Reunion- Entry 1


Today I traveled from my home in Northern California to my old stomping grounds in El Paso Texas. The occasion is the 100 year anniversary for my boarding school and a reunion with my old school friends. It has been 24 years since I have been here in El Paso and not all memories are good ones. I ask my clients to step into the fire when I work with them, so I need to walk my talk and step into the fire.

I grew up on a ranch in New Mexico about 3 hours north of here. I had a difficult childhood and it was not always happy. To say it lightly my Father was difficult and at times abusive.  Boarding school was a blessing. Today he is no longer in contact with my Mother or sisters. That does not make the memories go away. He still lives on the ranch in New Mexico and my biggest fear is running into him, which I know the chances of that is slim.

When I went west to California in 1986 I swore never to return to the southwest because of the memories from the ranch. Due to facebook, I got the opportunity to reconnect with the majority of my high school friends. My desire to reconnect with them superseded my fear of my Father, so I have come to El Paso.

As I landed I realized that despite the years gone by, I still recognized the mountains surrounding the city. I admit, I got lost on my way to the hotel though! I am staying at a historic landmark called Camino Real. It is famous for two reasons. One, Tiffany made a huge giant glass dome that is above the large bar area and it is the only one he ever made. Two, Pancho Villa during the Mexican revolution rode his horse in the bar with his men and horses. He demanded beer for his men and the horses and shot the glass dome. It has been repaired and I don't think I will run in to him!

So I decided after checking in, to go to the famous Dome Bar to have a drink and get some dinner. As I approached the bar I heard music and horrible singing. I assumed it must be karaoke night. To my dismay it was the house band and they were very loud. It was hard to talk to anyone due to the noise. They took a lot of breaks to drink and as the night wore on the music got worse and worse.

I made a friend at the bar and she and I had a blast using the cel phone video to tape some of the worst parts. It actually became most enjoyable. I went off to bed. The next day brings the 100 year festivities at my school Radford, who's claim to fame is that Sandra Day O'Connor graduated from there. I will also get to see old friends.


boarding school, friends, past, Professional Life Coach, reunion, travel

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