June 20

Jumpstart your Personal Growth for Free!


Do the days run together and nothing seems to change? You’re not feeling unhappy nor particularly happy or enthused about your life. You just exist and seem to know what comes next.

When I was small I remember people calling this syndrome “being stuck in a rut”. I suppose the image it invokes is relatable, however, I think this syndrome is something more. I believe it’s caused by a lack of personal growth.

We need to constantly be growing and learning. There are so many ways you can do this: take a class, attend a weekend workshop, hire a life coach, read a self-help book, listen to a motivational CD…  etc.

Life is meant to be lived, not waited out. If you are living for the weekends or the future, you aren’t living now in the present moment. You are missing out on the beautiful moments that are happening now.

Even though I teach this stuff I’m always learning from other teachers. I find that the more I grow the better my life gets. What continues to amaze me is that as long as I’m learning, growing and trusting the process, things get easier and easier.

I challenge you to sign up for a class, listen to a motivational speaker or even just listen to a pod cast on a topic that interests you. It’s easy to listen to a talk as you walk on the treadmill at the gym. Imagine learning how to live in the present moment as you exercise. Or learn new ways to connect to spirit as you walk around the block. There is always a half hour where you can attend to your personal growth!

Search itunes or Google for inspiring free audio content, books or classes.  Sign up for a free coaching call with me and I’ll help you get your spark back.

Creating and sharing goals increases our success.  I want to support you.  Make a goal to jumpstart your personal growth and tell me what it is below.




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