November 10

Inspired by Passion


I am always inspired by people who are following their passions and loving life! Yesterday I got to spend time with three remarkable women who are doing just that! Heidi and Tara, founders of In Her Image Photography who specialize in Goddess Photo Shoots. They only photograph women or women and their children.

The other woman who spent the day with us was Jaimee Pantane. She works at Studio 24 in Petaluma. She loves hair and makeup and has even designed and created her own line of cosmetics. Her passion is helping woman feel beautiful and confident. Jaimee loves doing hair and makeup for not only photo shoots but also special events and weddings.

 Heidi and Tara believe that every woman should have at least one beautiful photo of themselves. They also believe that most women are not happy with how they look or their bodies and by going through this process, the women feel more confident and beautiful. I would agree!

Heidi and Tara are passionate about their purpose and their mission. Their passion is so contagious that they have sparked a whole Goddess community on Facebook. There all of their clients and friends can see the various photos and support one another in community. They have had the opportunity to meet many inspiring women through the years. They are in the process of getting their “Goddess Ranch” ready for next year. There they will have  an outdoor studio for all of the goddess'.

Yesterday we braved the weather, it was getting ready to storm, for an outdoor photo shoot in downtown Petaluma. Heidi is the master at posing the client. She has a knack for positioning the body so that the client jumps through her lens. Tara uses a different camera and may take the same shot but gets a completely different look. I had a Goddess photo shoot two years ago and was astounded by the photos. They were able to catch all of my sides: the funny, serious, pensive, happy, confident and more.

So as the passersby gawked at us yesterday, not sure who I was or why the photo shoot was happening on the street, we had fun! Jaimee prepared me and touched me up during the photo shoot. Tara kept me laughing as Heidi tried to keep  us under control!

When someone is passionate about what they do, it shows! Here is a collage of our day. I won't get my actual photos until they are done editing them. I will show you as soon as I get them!



facebook, Goddess, image photography, In Her Image Photography, inspiration, Jaimee Pantane, loving life, outdoor photo, passion, Petaluma, photo shoot, photograph women, three remarkable women, weather

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