November 14

Simple Formula for Productivity and Stress Reduction


Have you been feeling that your life is a little out of balance? Perhaps you are working too much or you are under financial strain and you spend your days tense and stressed. Maybe you work long hours and have a long commute to work so it leaves you too tired to have a social life. It might just seem that especially now that it gets dark earlier, you run out of time to do the things you want to do.

What most busy working people don't realize is that they are wasting a lot of valuable time daily. They don't realize how much they do or what takes up their time. Everyday waking up to a busy schedule full of “normal” daily activities. Work, eating, driving, talking, showering, etc.

Here is a short simple process that will help you reclaim some of that valuable time:

1. Write down a complete list of what you do every day. Everything! Walking the dog, doing your hair, grocery shopping, reading, etc…  The more you put down on paper, the better results you will get.

2. Immediatly pick 10 items that can be completly dropped, simplified or out sourced.

3. Now make a list of 10 habits that keep you well. Focus on your well being as a human being. This can be prayer, visioning, meditation, soaking in the bath, etc.

Now impliment the changes. You will begin to feel more productive and better right away. It is important to do this every now and then. Most of us don't realize that we create habits or things that we do that really are a waste of our time and in fact sabatoge us. Also, by creating a list of good habits that will feed your soul and keep you happy, your stress will reduce.


bad habits, busy schedule, good habits, grocery shopping, long commute, productivity, simple fomula, stress reduction

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