January 20

It is Storming Outside


The rain is pouring down, the streets are flooding, there is thunder and lightning. It has been like this for three days and we have one more day of it. Each storm getting stronger and worse from the previous one. Power goes out and then back on, I am stocked up on water, candles and batteries for the lantern. Trees are falling due to the high winds and parts of the California coast are falling into the ocean due to the huge rough waves. Yet, it is also beautiful and in a way purifying.
The amazing thing is how much power there is in the storm. How much beauty in the process. As the thunder crashes around me, I get to see, just for a moment, the jagged bright light of the lightning. When there is a break in the storm, I love how clean the outside smells. It feels like a new start. Yet as the sun peeks out (as I expect it will on Friday) I feel that I begin to see what is possible. I love that I have designed my life. I sit here typing and watching the storm out the big window. The grass is getting green again. And I go out in between the storms to get my errands done. I get to choose to play in the rain or in the puddles. How delightful.

I thought about writing about how life goes through storms and using that metaphor to show you that things get rough but in the end there is beauty. I decided rather, to let you know me a little better, not just as a women's divorce survival coach, but as me the person. I know all of us have had storms that we go through. This storm outside my window has me thinking about how happy I am with the life I have designed for myself. That the possibilities are endless and that is very exciting. I love connecting with people and hearing their stories. I enjoy how much support I am surrounded by with all of the wonderful friends that have come into my life. It was not always this way. When I decided to redesign my life after the last break-up, I knew I wanted more joy, love and happiness. I did not know what that looked like, but I knew that is what I wanted. As I sit here with a cup of hot wonderful tea, safe and dry from the storm, I feel inspired.

My blog has places for comments. I would love to hear from you. What have you designed into your life that brings you joy?


audience, Break Ups, break-up support, breaking up, challenge, challenge day, change, clutter, coach, crossfire of divorce, difference, divorce coach, Divorce Support, dreams, end of a relationship, ex-husband, friends, friendships, healing, Images, inspiration, joy, life transitions, new life, next step, possibilities, starting over, storm, supporting each other

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