September 8

Just Do It


Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailAre you putting off something that you want to do or experience because you want to wait for the perfect moment? I have heard so many of my clients say things like: “I really want to take a vacation to the beach but I am waiting until I loose my weight.” “I would take that class but I am going to wait until I have more experience.” “I would go out with him but I am not sure I am pretty enough.”

I could give you a lot more examples. The point is if you are waiting until you are think you are enough, feel good enough, think you are smart enough, successful enough, rich enough or even wise enough, you will miss out on so much life.

You are ready right now being exactly who you are in this moment. Stop comparing yourself to others or what others believe you should be. Get out there and just do it. You might actually surprise yourself.

Then you need to take a look at that internal voice in your head that is limiting you. The one that tells you not to do it or that you are not enough. The funny thing is that we believe everything our mind tells us as actual truth. If we think it, we believe it. Yet our mind makes things up all day long based on emotion, comparison and worry.

The next time your inner voice tries to limit you. Stop and ask yourself if that thought is really true. Or are you just comparing yourself to others out of insecurity? Stand up to that inner voice and be bold. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the easier it gets. Plus you will enjoy your life so much more!


comfort zone, emotion, funny thing, inner voice, insecurity, internal voice, perfect moment, truth

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